David is 19 years old. He weighs 90 kg and his height is 175 cm. Thus, his BMI is 29.39, which indicates obesity. There is no data on severe somatic or hereditary diseases in David’s history. His relatives noticed that he began to avoid contact with friends and started to wash frequently.
David worked in a restaurant where it was difficult for him to perform his duties as a waiter. He felt like the customers are looking at him suspiciously and discussing him, which made him feel threatened. In an attempt to explain to him that these are most likely his incorrect assumptions, he reacted sharply and in a verbally aggressive manner and began to avoid contact with his colleagues. As a result, he was fired from work, due to failure to perform his duties.
He completely isolated himself at home and did not want to go out at all. He confessed that he felt being watched and talked about - he claimed that they discussed him even on TV. He was often looking over his shoulder, started to hear voices he did not want to comment on, and slowly refused contact with his relatives.
Proceed to Diagnosis
This virtual patient case was created on the basis of clinical practice outside the EU and may, therefore, include an off-label practice.
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