21-year-old male with severe paranoid delusions
Our patient’s name is Petr Drobil. Petr’s clinical picture shows florid psychotic symptoms lasting for about 2 weeks, severe paranoid delusions (“they are coming after me, I don't know exactly who, I have to defend myself, they can hear us”), disorganized thinking up to the level of incoherence, pseudo-philosophizing (Petr is concerned with “coincidence”, why particular things happen concurrently: e.g., when he is outdoors, he wonders why a dog barks and wind blows at the same time). His clinical picture is complemented by auditory hallucinatory experiences at the level of commenting voices, occasionally of an imperative nature (urging him to behave aggressively towards his surroundings or to act suicidally).
author: MUDr. Zuzana Vančová, PhD., 1st Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, P. J. Šafárik University,
publicated: 28.07.2021