21-year-old male with severe paranoid delusions

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Introduction to Case Report

Our patient is a 21-year-old male named Petr Drobil. The patient has a positive family history: his father's sister has been treated long-term for paranoid schizophrenia.

Petr has not been treated for any significant physical illness, negates past surgeries and head injuries, and also negates the occurrence of epileptic seizures. He does not take any prescription or over-the-counter medication regularly, and his toxicological history is insignificant.

Petr completed high school education and has a high school diploma. He started his first employment after the graduation at the age of 19 and he lives with his parents and sister in an apartment building. He has had a girlfriend for 2 years and they have a harmonious relationship.

Petr was hospitalized at the psychiatry ward for the first time only recently. When hospitalized, his clinical picture showed florid psychotic symptoms lasting for about 2 weeks, severe paranoid delusions (“they are coming after me, I don't know exactly who, I have to defend myself, they can hear us”), disorganized thinking up to the level of incoherence, pseudo-philosophizing (Petr is concerned with “coincidence”, why particular things happen concurrently: e.g. when he is outdoors, he wonders why a dog barks and wind blows at the same time). His clinical picture is complemented by auditory hallucinations at the level of commenting voices, occasionally of an imperative nature (urging him to behave aggressively towards his surroundings or to act suicidally). Feelings of being influenced remotely, significant behavioural disorders under the influence of the above mentioned psychotic symptoms with a severe anxiety are also present. Petr lacks insight regarding the disorder and he is not critical.

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